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Newsletter Trivia Answers

Newsletter Trivia Answers

June 2024

Which MFA employee will be taking a short FMLA leave in August? Kyle

Which MFA employee's grandson discovered how to roll over, and keeps practicing? Loury

Which MFA employee is taker her college junior on campus tours? Marie

April 2024

Which MFA employee is expecting their third grandchild? Debbie

Which MFA employee's daughter earned her driver's license? Marie

Which MFA employee just became a first time grandparent? Trick question! There were 2! Michael and Loury both welcomed Grandsons into their families

July 2023

Which MFA employee is expecting their first child in December? Kyle

Which MFA employee will become a first time grandparent? Michael

Which MFA employee drives a Subaru? Trick question! Sue, Audrey, Loury, and Debbie all drive a Subaru! 

March 2023

Which MFA employee drove a jet ski in FL in March? Ali

Which MFA employee went skiing in Utah in March? Michael

Which MFA employee is going to the FL Keys in April? Sue

December 2022

Which MFA employee's son recently moved down the street from Kyle? Sue

Which MFA employee's daughter recently had her 2nd baby boy? Debbie

Which MFA employee plays bells in her church? Audrey

July 2022

Which MFA employee recently bought their first home? Ali

Which MFA employee traveled to TN with her daughter's dance troupe? Marie

Which MFA employee's husband retired this past spring? Sue

April 2022

Which MFA employee is getting married in April? - Kyle 

Which MFA employees headed to warmer places in early 2022? - Ali (Mexico), Sue (Turks and Caicos), Kyle (Miami)

Which MFA employee was recently hired to work with Wayne? - Lisa (you should have gotten this right if you read the Newsletter in November!)

November 2021

Which MFA employee's son was recently commissioned as a 2nd Lt. in the Marines? - Bev 

Which MFA employee's grandson just turned 1-year old? - Debbie

Which MFA employee was recently hired to work with Wayne? - Lisa 

July 2021

Which MFA employee became engaged? - Kyle 

Which MFA employee bought a first home?- Kyle

Which MFA employee's oldest is moving up to high school, and youngest is moving up to middle school? - Marie 

February 2021

Which MFA employee started with MFA in September? - Kyle 

Which MFA employee's youngest daughter will turn 13 in February?- Loury

Which MFA employee recently moved into his own apartment? - Harsha 

July 2020

Which MFA employee is going to be a grandparent in September?! - Debbie

Which MFA employee's two daughters work in the healthcare field - at Danbury Hospital and a local nursing facility? - Loury 

Which MFA employee's son joined the Marines after graduating college this Spring? - Beverly 

March 2020

Which MFA employee adopted a new “family member”? – Marie 

Which MFA employee’s daughter recently bought her first home? – Debbie

Which former MFA intern is getting married this year to his girlfriend of 9 years? – Robert  

September 2019

Which MFA employee’s son was awarded the CT High School Assistant Coach of the Year for Men’s Lacrosse, Class S? – Sue 

Which MFA employee’s children are entering their senior year in college? – Christine & Bev

Which MFA employee recently moved from New York to Connecticut? – Ali 

May 2019

Which MFA employee passed the CFP exam in April? – Ali 

Which MFA employee‘s son is moving from FL to NY in May? - Audrey

Which MFA employee’s daughters met up for lunch in Madrid, Spain in April? – Michael and Christine’s

December 2018

Which MFA employee's daughter is doing a semester in Spain this spring? - Michael

Which MFA employee attended the Ryder cup is France in September? - Audrey

Which MFA employee is going to become a first time grandma in December? - Sue... Miles was born 12/18/18!

June 2018

Which MFA employee just celebrated a milestone birthday in San Juan, Puerto Rico? - Ali

Which MFA employee is planning a getaway to Paris, Edinburgh, and London this Fall?-Audrey

Which MFA employee and family are going to Disney World later in June? - Marie

March 2018

Which MFA employee's husband just received his US citizenship? - Loury's husband

Which MFA employee's 13 year-old daughter is an entrepreneur? - Christine's daughter Grace

Which MFA employee will go hot air ballooning in Sedona on vacation next week? - Wayne

August 2017

Which MFA employee recently went to Germany for a friend's wedding? - Ali

Which MFA employee's daughter is getting married in 6 weeks? - Debbie

Which MFA employee's son just completed a cross country trip? - Sue

May 2017

Which MFA employee's share the same birthdate?  Debbie and Ali

How many MFA employees have May birthdays?  3 - Christine, Debbie and Ali

Which MFA interns are now clients? Ken, Jason O, Tareq and Jason S

October 2016

Which MFA employee's daughter got engaged!?  Debbie's daughter Sam

Which MFA employee is a volleyball coach?   Ali

Which MFA employee's son hung out with Michael Phelps at the Ryder Cup? - Audrey's son Tyler

June 2016

Which MFA employee's children are off to college in the fall?   Christine, Loury and Bev

Which MFA employee's son went to China for work?   Audrey

Which MFA employee's daughter relocated to Arlington, VA?   Debbie

June 2014

Which MFA employee's children graduated this spring?  Michael - Kyle and Kate; Loury - Alyssa

Which MFA employee's son is working for PGA America in Florida?  Audrey

Which MFA employee's son got married in May?  Sue